"Investigating the Profession" was a team project created by Devon Hagos and Constance Burns. It highlights excerpts from an interview with a fellow Instructional Designer, Anne Fensie, from the University of Maine. The information presented covers her background, the scope of her role as an Instructional Designer for a large university, the skills and technologies she uses on the job, and advice she has to offer to other Instructional Designers. The project was created using Prezi, which is a non-linear presentation tool.
Link to full interactive presentation:
When the user clicks on each of the menu items in the black circle bubbles, new views will open to provide more information in a primary bubble, with optional nested sub-menus in smaller bubbles. This allows the user to jump to the information that interests them, as opposed to hunting through an entire sequential presentation to locate the information they need. Sample screen shots from the presentation:
Main Menu
Bio view
Bio: Experience sub view
Bio: Experience: Instructional Designer view
Skill Set view
Skill Set: LMS nested view
Tech view